Global Diamond Montreal

Global Diamond Montreal is a high-end jewelry store located in the heart of Montreal, Quebec. As a brick and mortar store, Global Diamond had always relied on in-store sales and word of mouth to drive business. 

However, in recent years, the company had noticed a decline in customer retention and wanted to find a way to bring customers back to the store more frequently.

After researching various marketing channels, the company decided to give email marketing a try. 

They hired YND marketing to help them implement email marketing strategies and increase their online presence.

One of the main challenges Global Diamond faced was low deliverability rates. Many of their emails were ending up in customers’ spam folders or not being delivered at all. YND helped Global Diamond improve their email deliverability by implementing best practices such as using double opt-in forms and regularly checking their sending reputation.

In addition to improving deliverability, YND also helped Global Diamond create high-converting email designs and email marketing automation campaigns. They set up a welcome series for new subscribers and an abandoned cart flow to bring customers back to the store and complete their purchases.

As a result of YND’s efforts, Global Diamond saw a significant increase in their email open and click-through rates. They were able to re-engage with their audience and drive more traffic to their store.

Overall, YND’s email marketing strategies helped Global Diamond Montreal increase customer retention and drive more sales. By improving deliverability and creating high-converting email campaigns, we were able to help Global Diamond achieve their business goals and take their email marketing efforts to the next level.