Pharcyde Comics

Pharcyde Comics is a well-known comic book store with a strong physical presence in their community. However, like many retailers, they faced challenges as the COVID-19 pandemic caused a shift towards online shopping. In an effort to increase their reach and visibility, John, the owner of Pharcyde Comics, decided to launch a new segment of their business on TikTok.

Although John was initially excited about this new opportunity, he quickly became frustrated when his Facebook creatives were not converting on the TikTok platform. He didn’t understand why his ads weren’t performing as well as he had hoped, and he was starting to worry about the success of this new venture.

That’s where YND Marketing came in. YND helped John and his team understand the TikTok platform and the importance of creating high-converting videos that were native to the platform. They worked closely with the Pharcyde Comics team to develop a content strategy that resonated with the TikTok audience and helped them stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Goal :

To help Pharcyde Comics create converting creatives and success on the Tiktok platform. , YND Marketing implemented a comprehensive creative marketing strategy that included the following elements:

UGC Creation :

We had created several videos for John in order to use those videos as ads. We also worked with content creator Ben who loves the comic space and was more than happy to work with us!

The results were impressive. Within just a few months of working with YND, Pharcyde Comics saw a significant increase in their online sales and a dramatic improvement in their overall omni channel presence. The TikTok campaign became one of their most successful marketing efforts to date, so much so that Tiktok themselves were showcasing the creative as one of the top creatives in the United States (see pictures below).

Overall, YND Marketing played a crucial role in helping Pharcyde Comics navigate the complexities of the TikTok platform and grow their business in an increasingly competitive online marketplace.